How to Correct Misaligned Teeth with Your Cherry Hill NJ Dentist

Malocclusion is when the teeth are mismatched causing the jaw to create a poor bite. Often, it shows itself as crooked, protruding or crowded teeth. Eventually, it can lead to gum issues, headaches and sleep disorders.
Malocclusion vs. Occlusion
Malocclusion comes from the root word occlusion which means the meeting of your teeth. Malocclusion comes from the Latin “mal” which refers to bad while occlusion means bite. It’s essentially a bad bite. 
The root word of “malocclusion” is “occlusion,” which just means the meeting of your teeth. It is the actual contact between the teeth in your upper jaw and those in your lower jaw. There are various forms of malocclusion including an underbite, overbite and crossbite. Overbite tends to be one of the more common forms of malocclusion. 
Causes and Treatments 
Malocclusion tends to be present at the time of birth but can also occur as a result of thumb sucking, premature loss of teeth and dental diseases. There may be no symptoms present or you could suffer from pain from the stress on the teeth and jaw. Most of the time your Moorestown, Marlton, and Cherry Hill, NJ dentist will diagnose the condition during a routine exam. X-rays are taken to confirm the diagnosis. 
Malocclusion is treated by an orthodontist and is usually resolved after the use of braces. You could also opt to use the Invisalign clear aligners if you worry about the physical appearance of braces. In the cases where teeth are causing an overcrowding, teeth might need to be surgically removed as a treatment. 
If teeth haven’t yet come into the mouth, it is important to have space maintainers placed in those empty spots. This will keep the space available for the teeth to arrive properly.
Whatever type of malocclusion you seem to be facing, the dentist is equipped to handle the problem. There are numerous treatment options available to you. Within a small amount of time, you can enjoy a healthy and aligned smile in your life. Discuss treatment options with the dentist to determine the proper course of action for your individual needs.